Thursday, July 20, 2017

B2B Lead Generation Services

I've worked as a sales person for over 10 years in the car industry which is why I started this blog. I recently came across a service that provides you and your company with high value sales leads based on any custom data that you provide for them.

The service and company is called GrowthOK. They're an all in one sales solution that can find you any targeted and highly qualified sales leads based on anything you send them.

Give them a try!

Most luxury pet products

Do you own a dog or a pup and want to know what are some of the most expensive pet products out there that you can get for your dog?

You can easily blow $10,000 in dog products that could be a waste of money.

Recently I came across an article here by PupUnite that goes over some of the most expensive and luxury pet products you can get for your dog that is actually useful.

I found this article to be quite helpful and suggest that everyone check it out.

It's a pretty good site for pet owners to learn more about their pup. They also have great additional resource that you can take advantage of.

Check it out!

Thursday, January 17, 2013

New NSX Concept

Despite the long wait and rumors for the past couple of news, the all new NSX model has finally been released. Take a clean look at this powerful machine. The car, however, isn't due until late 2015. Still quite a wait to go.

Rear View 

The interior of the car 

Looking a lot more luxury, a bit similar to the higher exotic classes. Ferrari and so forth. 


                                      Intake Racing


Welcome to Intake Racing's blog. We are a small group of friends that love cars. We love spotting cars, attending car meets, tuning cars, reading about cars and have extreme love for cars. We are into all types of cars from imports to domestic to euro, you name it! In this blog, we will keep everyone updated with car events and post any information we can find about cars in general. Please subscribe or email us if you have any comments or want something posted!